Maguire BJ, Browne M, O’Neill BJ, Dealy M, Clare D, O’Meara P. International survey of violence against EMS personnel: physical violence report. Prehosp and Disaster Medicine. 2018;33(5):526–531 {41}
Makiela S, Weber A, Maguire BJ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Infection Control Protocols: is it Time to Clean Up our Act? Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 2018; 15(3). {12} Available at: Accessed 7 Aug 18.
Maguire BJ, O'Neill BJ, O'Meara P, Browne M, Dealy MT. Preventing EMS Workplace Violence: A mixed-methods analysis of insights from assaulted medics. Injury. 2018; 49: 1258–1265. [2.4]
Maguire BJ. Violence against Ambulance Personnel in Australia; a retrospective cohort study of national data from Safe Work Australia. Public Health Research & Practice. 2018;28(1):e28011805. Available at:
O'Meara P, Maguire BJ. Developing a sustainable academic workforce in Paramedicine. Australian University Review. 2018; 60 (1): 54-6. Available at:
Maguire BJ, O'Meara P, O'Neill BJ, Brightwell R. Violence against emergency medical services personnel: A systematic review of the literature. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2017;1–14.
Maguire BJ, O'Neill BJ. EMS Personnel's Risk of Violence While Serving the Community. American Journal of Public Health. 2017; 107(11): 1770-1775. [4.138]
Gangathimmaiah V, Cong ML, Wilson M, Hooper K, Perry A, Burman L, Puckeridge N, Maguire BJ. Ketamine sedation for acute behavioural disturbance during aeromedical retrieval. Air Medical Journal. 2017: Aug. [0.274] Available at:
FitzGerald G, Toloo S, Mooney J, Crawley H, Maguire B, Webb C, Mayne L, Surjan A, Manock I, Cottrell A, Brooks B, Ingham V, Rego J, Archer F. Teaching emergency and disaster management in Australia: standards for higher education providers. Australian Journal of Emergency Management. 2017;32(3):22-23. {19} Available at: Accessed 14 Aug 17.
FitzGerald G, Rego J, Ingham V, Cottrell A, Manock I, Surjan A, Mayner L, Webb C, Maguire B, Crawley H, Mooney J, Toloo S, F A. Teaching emergency and disaster management in Australia: standards for higher education providers. Australian Journal of Emergency Management. Monograph No.1. 2017. {19} Available at. Accessed 8 Aug 17.
Spelten E, Thomas B, O’Meara P, Maguire B, Fitzgerald D, Begg S. Organisational interventions for preventing and minimising aggression directed toward healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017. [6.103] Available at:
Puckeridge N, Harreveld B, Maguire B, Dargusch J. Patient focused case based learning – mixed method analysis in clinical science learning. Research and Development in Higher Education: The Shape of Higher Education. 2016; 39. [0.911] Full text available at:
Makiela S, Taylor-Robinson AW, Weber A, Maguire BJ. A Preliminary Assessment of Contamination of Emergency Service Helicopters with MRSA and Multi-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Emergency Medicine: Open Access. 2016; 6: 304. [0.25] doi:10.4172/2165-7548.1000304. Full text available at:
O’Meara P, Maguire BJ, Jennings P, Simpson P. Building an Australasian paramedicine research agenda: a narrative review. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2015; 13: 79. [1.81] Full text available at:
Weber A, Maguire B. Dwyer T. Knowledge of Morphine Administration by Ambulance Paramedics: A Comparison of Two Clinical Levels of Paramedics. Open Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015; 3(4): 29-37. [0.57] doi: 10.4236/ojem.2015.34006. Full text available at:
Maguire BJ, O’Meara P, Brightwell R, O’Neill BJ, FitzGerald G. Occupational Injuries and Fatalities among Paramedics in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia. 2014; 200(8): 477-80. [2.85]. Full text available at:
Maguire BJ, Smith S. Injuries and fatalities among emergency medical technicians and paramedics in the United States. Prehosp and Disaster Medicine. 2013; 28(4): 1-7. {38}
Weber A, Dwyer T, Maguire B. Appropriate morphine administration by paramedics: a review of the literature. Journal of Paramedic Practice. 2013;5(8):454-460.
Al Amiry A, Bissell RA, Maguire BJ, Alves DW. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization prevalence among Emergency Medical Services personnel. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2013;28(4):1-5. {38}
Maguire BJ. Transportation-Related Injuries and Fatalities among Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. Prehosp and Disaster Medicine. 2011;26(5): 346-352. {38}
Maguire BJ, Dean S, Bissell RA, Walz BJ. Bumbak D. Epidemic and Bioterrorism preparation among EMS systems. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2007; 22(3): 237–242. {38}
Maguire BJ, Hunting KL, Guidotti TL, Smith GS. Occupational Injuries Among Emergency Medical Services Personnel. Prehosp Emergency Care. 2005; 9: 405–411. [1.859] {50} Full text available at:
Maguire BJ, Walz BJ. Current Emergency Medical Services Workforce Issues in the United States. Journal of Emergency Management. 2004; 2(3): 17-26.
Milsten AM, Seaman KG, Liu P, Bissell RA, Maguire BJ. Variables influencing medical usage rates, injury patterns, and levels of care for mass gatherings. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2003; 18(4): 334-346. {38}
Walz BJ, Bissell RA, Maguire BJ, Judge JA. Vaccine administration by paramedics: A model for bioterrorism and disaster response preparation. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2003; 18(4): 321-326. {38}
Maguire BJ. Ambulance Safety in the U.S. Journal of Emergency Management. 2003; 1(1): 15-18.
Maguire BJ, Hunting KL, Smith GS, Levick NR. Occupational Fatalities in EMS: A Hidden Crisis. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2002; 40(6): 625-632. [4.285] {94} Full text available at:
Milsten AM, Maguire BJ, Bissell RA, Seaman KG. Mass-gathering medical care: a review of the literature. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2002; 17(3): 151-62. {38}
Milsten AM, Bissell RA, Seaman KG, Maguire BJ. Injury Patterns and Levels of Care at Mass Gatherings. (Abstract) Prehospital Emergency Care. 2002; 6(1). [1.859] {50}
Silver S, Turley C, Smith C, Laird J, Majewski T, Maguire B, Orndorff J, Rice L, Vowels R. Multidisciplinary team dynamics in the production of problem-based learning cases in issues related to older adults. Journal of Allied Health. 1999; 28: 21-24. {17}
Silver S, Laird J, Maguire B, Majewski T, Moser D, Orndorff J, Porter C, Rice L, Smith C, Turley C, Vowels R. A Multidisciplinary Allied Health Faculty Team: Formation and First Year Production of Problem-Based Learning in Gerontology/Geriatrics. J of Allied Health. 1998; 27(2): 83-88. {17}
Maguire BJ, Porco FV. An Eight Year Review of Legal Cases Related to an Urban 911 Paramedic Service. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 1997; 12(2): 83-86. {38}
Maguire BJ. EMS occupational safety issues, implications, and remedy. In: Keebler J LE, Misasi P. ed. The Ergonomics and Human Factors of Prehospital Emergency Care. CRC Press, 2017.
Mitchell CS, Maguire BJ, Guidotti TL. Worker Health and Safety in Disaster Response. In Ciottone G. (Ed.) Disaster Medicine. 192-199. Elsevier. Philadelphia. 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0323286657
Maguire BJ. Ambulance Safety. In Cone DC. (Ed) Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice & Systems Oversight. NAEMSP. Wiley Pub. 2015.
Ruback JR, Wells S, Maguire BJ. New Methods of Planning and Response Coordination. In Bissell R. (Ed) Preparedness and Response for Catastrophic Disasters. U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute. CRC Press. 2013
Maguire BJ. Planning Strategies and Skills. In Bissell R. (Ed) Catastrophe Readiness and Response. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute. 2009.
Maguire BJ, Kahn CA. Ambulance Safety and Crashes. In Cone DC. (Ed) Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice & Systems Oversight. NAEMSP Pub. 2009.
Mitchell CS, Maguire BJ, Guidotti TL. Worker Health and Safety in Disaster Response. In Ciottone G. (Ed.) Disaster Medicine. Mosby Pub. 2006.
Maguire BJ, Hunting KL, Guidotti TL, Smith GS. The epidemiology of occupational injuries and illnesses among emergency medical services personnel. ProQuest Pub 2004.
Maguire BJ. EMS Research. In Walz BJ. (Ed.) Introduction to EMS Systems. Delmar. Aug 2001.
Curtis KM, Shesser R, Maguire BJ. Management of Acute Stroke prior to the Emergency Room. In Shuaib A, Goldstein LB (Ed.) Management of Acute Stroke. Dekker Inc. NY. July 1999.
Letters to the Editor
Maguire BJ, O’Meara P, Newton A. Toward an international paramedic research agenda. Irish Journal of Paramedicine. 2016; 1(2). Full text available at:
Maguire BJ. Another Look at the Emergency Medical Services Safety Report. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003; 42(1):159. [4.285]
Maguire BJ. Occupational Fatalities in Emergency Medical Services. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2003; 42(1):160. [4.285]
Conference papers
Maguire BJ, Brightwell R, Sim M, Lord W. Standards and Quality Indicators for Best Practice in Paramedic and Inter-Professional Experiential Practica. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 2015; 12(5). Available at: Accessed 6 Nov 2015.
Maguire BJ. Occupational injuries among emergency medical personnel: An international epidemic. American Public Health Association Annual Conference Proceedings. November 2014. Available at:
Maguire BJ. Epidemiology of occupational injuries and illnesses among emergency medical services personnel. American Public Health Association Annual Conference Proceedings. November 2004. Available at:
Reports for Government
Maguire BJ. Future Directions for EMS and the EMS Agenda for the Future. In response to: DocNo. NHTSA-2016-0035. Available at: 3 July 2016.
Bange R, Brightwell R, Maguire BJ. Supplementary Submission on “The establishment of a national registration system for Australian paramedics to improve and ensure patient and community safety”. Submitted to the Australian Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. ( 22 February 2016.
Bange R, Brightwell R, Maguire BJ. The establishment of a national registration system for Australian paramedics to improve and ensure patient and community safety. In response to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Submitted 30 January 2016. Available at: Accessed 4 February 2016.
Maguire BJ. Characterizing Ambulance Driver Training in EMS Systems. In response to: U.S. DOT Docket ID Number NHTSA-2014-0127. Submitted 29 January 2015. Available at!documentDetail;D=NHTSA-2014-0127-0002. Access. 17 Feb 15.
Maguire BJ. Australian Safety and Quality Goals. Letter to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. 2012. Available at:
Maguire BJ, O’Meara P and O’Neill BJ. Violence Against Paramedics: Developing the Tools to End the Epidemic. Response. 2016; 43(1): 24.
O’Meara P, Maguire B, Jennings P and Simpson P. Building an Australasian Paramedicine Research Agenda: A Narrative Review. Response. 2016; 43(1): 24.
Maguire BJ. Preventing Ambulance Collision Injuries Among EMS Providers: Part 2. EMS Manager and Supervisor. 2003; 5(3): 4-7.
Maguire BJ. Preventing Ambulance Collision Injuries Among EMS Providers: Part 1. EMS Manager and Supervisor. 2003; 5(2): 4.
Maguire BJ. Contemplations on the Future of EMS. EMS Insider. 1998; 25(8): 6 -7.
Maguire BJ, Porco FV. EMS and vehicle safety. Emergency Med Services. 1997;26(11):39-43.
Maguire BJ. Education or Training? Journal of Emergency Medical Services. 1996; 21(6): 34-41. {11}
Maguire BJ. Financing the System. Emergency Medical Services. 1993; 22(5): 21-3, 52.
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